
It's Coming!!!!
October 15, 2002 - 1:24 p.m.

Right now my jeans don't fit and I am really really hot so that means it is close. I hope it's close. I am sick of waiting for this to be over.

Doc called and rescheduled my appt for next week instead of this week. She doesn't want to waste anymore time I guess, makes sense to me. So next tuesday at 4:45 I get poked again.

Pray for negative!!!

One of the girls on my bbc boards just had a miscarriage. For not knowing someone, I sure feel bad for her.

Slim Shady
October 11, 2002 - 2:07 p.m.

OH! I forgot the BEST thing...I lost 4 of the 8 pounds I gained while I was pregnant. I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it, but here I was, not pregnant anymore and I still couldn't button my pants. I didn't have any money to buy new pants, so I was a little bitter.

One day, the weight just came off!

I was amazing. And easy. Although, I might have gained it all back these last few days with all the chocolate I have been eating. Oh well.

PMS - Again?
October 11, 2002 - 11:09 a.m.

For goodness sake, I think I am PMSing.

It is a welcome surprise, it's something of a foreign concept to me.

Wow, hormones. All my own.

There's chocolate cravings and crabbiness and I am constantly HOT.

Anyway, I take that as a good sign, of course I can't know for sure what's going on because I haven't been able to get back into the habit of taking my temp every day.

Here's my messed up chart.

Beta HcG's
October 11, 2002 - 10:55 a.m.

I have gone to the doctor twice a week for the last 4 weeks straight. Or is it five? Anyway, I am the human pin cushion. Each time they take my blood thet are measuring my Beta HcG levels.

The first measurement at 10 weeks was 10,800. Since then they have dropped to just 10.5.

I have one last appt (and I have only been saying that the last 3 appts) on Wednesday. Pray that by then they are negative.

Starting Over
October 11, 2002 - 10:44 a.m.

I think we'll be trying again around Christmas. Or maybe after Christmas.

As much as I want to be pregnant again, I don't want to rush it.

And as much as I hate to time things, I do want to be able to go camping with the gang next year at the beginning of August.

So I guess the longer we wait, the better it will be.

I am disappointed by many things in this sitch:

April would have been the perfect month to have this baby.

I found a perfect daycare with an infant opening. Of course now we won't be able to take our baby there, I had to be taken off the list.

Just things like that.

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Miss Any?
I'm PREGGERS!!! - July 17, 2006
Oh yea.... - May 11, 2006
Hey!! Guess what, we're still alive. - May 11, 2006
15 month appointment - January 19, 2005
15 months vocab - December 28, 2004

Some Advice?

Lilypie Baby Days