
I Gotta Go
March 20, 2003 - 2:15 p.m.

I had the urge to wear something tight and revealing from my closet today. I chose a pair of dark maternity jeans, a red and black snakeskin print stretchy top, with a black lace sweater that buttons at the breast but is open from there down. This is a total belly outfit. I mean the shirt is like skin-tight and my belly pops right out of the open part of the sweater. Somehow it was easier to tell people at work this way...because I have evidence. It's hard for me to "bring up" the news in normal conversation. I am just not the "Hey guess what?" kinda person. I've had some great opportunities though. Yesterday in the break room an older supervisor was joking around with me and asked me if I had any hot gossip. I leaned over and whispered that someone in my department was pregnant....he about fell over. It was great. Then this morning in a meeting, someone brought doughnuts. I was fighting over the jelly-filled one with another supervisor when I said, "Hey, you aren't eating for two! This is mine!" His response, "Oh no, I can't take ANOTHER deduction out of my check! This IS yours!" Guess you had to be there...this is someone who typically claims all children born here to be his.

So anyway, I'm letting the belly hang out and telling people as the situations present themselves.

In other news, my mother refuses to let me paint the nursery or put the crib together. My grandma and her are coming up next weekend to get it done. I am still going to paint the border and stencil around the room, no one can take that away from me. I am not putting myself at risk, since my doctor told me there were no restrictions as long as I wasn't bleeding.

Now that I have this all hanging over my head I am kicking it into high-gear, this must be pre-nesting. I want to register for my showers this weekend (my first isn't until June) but I want to get the nursery all set and my bag partially packed. Don't think I am too crazy for doing it! I don't want to be caught off guard.

May this be too much information, but I've realized that I am now too worried to strain too much during a BM...

Ultrasound Story
March 19, 2003 - 4:42 p.m.

So now that I've posted the pictures, I can tell you all about the experience.

The technician was having a great time playing with the baby. He'd jostle my stomach to get the baby to do flips and turn around. The baby was kicking my bladder and stretching out his legs, playing with his face and all sorts of cool stuff. We spent an hour just looking at him - or her.

Then the perinatal specialist came in, evil wench. She was in a foul mood and was angry that we were there wasting her time. She evidently found a separation in the's my post at another site that explains what I know:

" Hi everyone,

I've had one loss already at 10 weeks. I am pregnant again and currently 13 weeks. I've had bleeding twice during this pregnancy at 6 and 9 weeks. At 6 weeks a hematoma was discovered (we were told we'd miscarry) but at 8 weeks the hematoma looked like it was gone and the baby was healthy. Now at my ultrasound yesterday they found a separation in the placenta (it was a small triangle that had detached from the uterus and was filled with blood).

The only information they could give me was that the blood needed to come out soon or an infection could develop. They are not treating me with anti-biotics as a precaution, and say I am at risk for a late-term miscarriage. This is also associated with preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes and premature delivery. If it had occurred later in the pregnancy it would be a placental abruption, but since it happened at implantation, they don't have a name or any statistics? My doctor doesn't want me to read too much on abruption so I wanted to ask if any of you have experienced far I have found no one. "

Anyway, my doctor did call me and she says after further investigation, our chances of a miscarriage before 20 weeks is 1 in 4, or 25%. After that each day is a good day...I'm just hoping for my September baby! I really don't want to go early. I have been having nightmares about it.

The risk of infection is the only thing that bothers me but again that risk is small too. So I am glad I didn't post this information yesterday...I was a wreck.

Ultrasound Pictures
March 19, 2003 - 4:27 p.m.

Here's a profile

Here's a close-up profile

Here's looking at you

And again, with the brain visible

And here is a hand, thumbs up!

And the CUTEST one of all, little legs all stretched out!

And here I amplified it so you could see the little you still think it's a girl??

13 weeks
March 17, 2003 - 10:55 a.m.

13 weeks! I'm thirteen weeks and showing, already felt two movements and ready for more! It's starting to set in now that I'm pregnant.

The crib was delivered on Friday. We got home to see one gigantic refrigerator sized box stacked on a smaller, more compact box. We discovered that the bigger box was completely empty! We haven't taken the other box apart but we need to do that tonight to make sure all the parts were delivered.

I took the Doppler home to my parent's house this weekend and so Grandma, Grandpa and Great-gramma all got to listen. They were all really excited. Baby Boo likes to hang out in the lower left-hand region of the abdomen. I've never caught him on the right side but Sunday he was in the middle for a while.

I was sick all weekend, despite feeling fabulous on Friday, I ended up taking the meds again on Saturday, again on Sunday and this morning. Sunday I was the most sick I've been in a while but today I feel pretty queasy, like my stomach has run empty, no matter how much I eat!

I had another baby dream- again I had a girl! She was really premature, so they kept her in a tank of water. It made her skin really red and ruddy, but she was still cuter than all the other preemie tank babies. I remember her features being a little distorted, but she scrunched up her nose and got really excited whenever Tim and I would come to hold her. Of course, our arms needed to be wet in order to take her out of her tank, it was the weirdest thing.

Tomorrow morning I go to my ultrasound at 8:30, then my OB appt is at 4 in the afternoon. I'm really, really excited about these appointments! I can't wait to see what little Boo looks like now!

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Miss Any?
I'm PREGGERS!!! - July 17, 2006
Oh yea.... - May 11, 2006
Hey!! Guess what, we're still alive. - May 11, 2006
15 month appointment - January 19, 2005
15 months vocab - December 28, 2004

Some Advice?

Lilypie Baby Days