
There was a time when it was just US
June 06, 2003 - 1:06 p.m.

Lying in bed the other night, Tim's arm around my middle, just laying there waiting for sleep when he whispers, "I'm going to miss us."

And I already do.


Excuse my incredibly hormonal pregnant cry session.

June 04, 2003 - 7:56 a.m.

24 weeks down, 16 to go!
June 03, 2003 - 5:12 p.m.

I think I've run out of room. I started noticing some discomfort in my lower ribs on the right side. I'm carrying pretty high and that must have to do with the heartburn/reflux and discomfort issues.

My ribs are sore and Boo has been sleeping over there since Friday. The heartburn is getting worse, at least I think I have the reflux under control. I'm taking special care not to eat too much, or to eat anything with any flavor at the end I never really feel like I am full and I'm not getting much satisfaction out of eating. In the long run, this is probably a really good thing, it will help curb my weight. I am currently at 122. That's only a 16 lb gain.

Last night I slept in the most comfortable position. Sleeping has also been getting increasingly more difficult as I have to juggle body pillows and back support pillows and then add to that a pillow to support my neck (still sore from the car accident). It's a pain. Tim keeps stealing the pillow that I put between my knees. We definitely need a new mattress, too, so I wake up with an aching back that just continuous throughout the day. Last night I used a more simple pillow arrangement and slept comfortably all night. I must try that again tonight!

Boo is definitely moving around today. She's still hovering just under my rib cage enough to drive me crazy, but at least now I can feel her paddling around in there. She hasn't been very active since Thursday. Friday she moved around a little in the morning, then nothing for the next 3 days. it was a little disturbing. I guess she needed some time off but I was worried that she got tangled up or didn't have any room to move.

The stenciling is DONE. I am so proud of how it turned out. Not one mistake, and the spacing is incredible. It took me a long time last night but I was determined! Tonight I am pulling the shelves out of the closet to get it ready for the new design and I'd also like to start putting the crib together. I don't know how much of it I can do without Tim's help, but I sure would like to get it started.

I'm also redesigning the closet. As it is there are several rickety shelves balanced on one another in the closet. I plan to take them all out and start over from scratch. My plans were devised around a closet organizer that I found at our local Home-Rip-off store. We would have purchased it last night if the price hadn't suddenly jumped from $14 to $34. I'm looking into purchasing it elsewhere. It's got three shelves with three places to hang clothes and things under each shelf. My plan also includes 3 five- pocket canvas organizers that hang from the hanging bar and 2 three drawer Rubbermaid rolling carts. Then two large Rubbermaid tubs. There will still be room for the stroller and other various kid-gear. I'm really excited to get the closet done because I have just enough clothes and hats and gear to start filling it.

In other projects, it's just the curtains and crib dust ruffle, and a panel on the back of the diaper stand. The ottoman for the glider has to be reattached to the base, since I took it off to upholster it and then lost all the screw save one. Once all that is done, folks, the nursery is COMPLETE. (OH, except we need to pick up the crib mattress from my grandma's house, but I think I will do that either next week or the weekend after.

*sigh* Oh wow. This is really happening!

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Miss Any?
I'm PREGGERS!!! - July 17, 2006
Oh yea.... - May 11, 2006
Hey!! Guess what, we're still alive. - May 11, 2006
15 month appointment - January 19, 2005
15 months vocab - December 28, 2004

Some Advice?

Lilypie Baby Days