
A Club Handed Clod Running at the Mouth
January 23, 2003 - 3:26 p.m.

I have a major case of pregnancy-related dropsies, clumsies, stub-my-everything-sies and dumbsies. This, simply put, means I have become a complete clod. I mean it. I feel as if my hands are made from huge clubs of wood. I open the fridge, reach for something, and knock over 10 things in the process. It's like I can see it clearly, and I can see my hand reaching for it, but something just goes wrong.

I can't hold on to anything for the life of me. It's not that I drop everything, it's that I drop everything 200 times! Pick it up, drop it. Pick it up, drop it. pick it up, drop it, give up, and walk away crying.

And FORGET about balance. You know all those times I'm picking stuff up? I'm also tipping over and leaning on the wall and tumbling out of the shower. Yesterday while picking somethin up for the millionth time I smashed my temple on the side of my desk, on the way down, and again on the way back up.

My fingers have become these strange little sausages that are attracted to hard surfaces, I'm constantly bending them backwards, jabbing them into the side of the counter top and pokg myself in the eye.

Aside from the physical blundering, I can't speak! I'm forgetful, stuttering and there is just no help for me. I strangely remember getting a little clumsier last time I was pregnant, but this time I am an utter hazard to myself.


My sister-in-law and I had the sweetest email conversation today; I wish I could just frame it. She's so sweet and caring sometimes!



When you get off work, GO HOME and GO TO BED! You are pregnant and your body is doing some crazy crazy crazy stuff right now. You need your sleep and if your friends are really friends, they will understand....ESPECIALLY if they have been pregnant before. The total tired-can barely function tiredness should wear off in a few weeks. I can remember that feeling like it was yesterday. Jeff learned a lot about running a house during that time because I did NOTHING around the house, including making supper and laundry. I was just so completely wiped out. As far as the lower back pain....I don't remember having that so much until later, but it seems pretty common. In fact, I went to and entered your due date to see your pregnancy calender. It mentions for Jan 8th that you should get moderate exercise to help with common pregnancy complaints like backaches and constipation. (oh goody!) While you probably know what I am about to say, I will say it anyway for my benefit..:) I didn't read anything on back pain being a sign of miscarriage, however if you start cramping as you know, get off your feet and call the doc! I spotted for a week and a 1/2, and that really worried me, but also fairly common and in the end.....all was good. It probably is the muscles relaxing, especially if it is occuring more when you sit all day then it does when you are doing more.(See above regarding Anyway, PLEASE PLEASE write me back and tell me that you have CANCELED your dinner plans and that you are going to go straight home and to bed so my little niece or nephew and grow big and strong.....:)




See how nice that was? It's just so great to feel cared for!


I tried not to get too ahead of myself with this pregnancy, it's very hard to form an emotional attachment this time around. I'll actually get to see the little jellybean next week, hopefully after that I will settle in more. I did order some maternity clothes from Old Navy the other day. There was a cute tankini swinsuit on clearance that I couldn't pass up, seeing as how we already have two vacations planned for late summer when I'll be big and tubby. I also so a neat pair of gray maternity dress pants that didn't have that awful panel in the front.

I found a crib that I liked, I've been looking over a year now and finally found it. I'll wait until far into the 2nd trimester or a great sale to buy it.

I'm also going to spend the $80 to get the BabyBjorn carrier. It's a lot of dough and most people think it's a waste of money, but most people that say that don't have it. I've read all the reviews on all the carriers and truthfully I think this is the one that fits me and my parenting style the best. My SIL has an Even-Flo carrier that she never uses because her baby doesn't like it, but her baby likes to be held and walked around ALL THE TIME when she's fussy, facing out so she can see stuff. I think if she had the right carrier it might just work for her. INot only for fussy times but I'm really thinking about grocery shopping and things like that.

OK enough blabber!

Eat, sleep, poop. Well, not poop in my case.
January 22, 2003 - 1:08 p.m.

I am so tired, so tired. My tightest jeans still fit comfortably though, so I am pleased.

I started a foodfortwo food diary because I want to be careful with what I eat, seeing as how my appetite is so monsterous. I really thought I ate well already, mainly fruits and pasta... but after taking a look at it, there's plenty of room for improvement. I don't eat nearly enough grains or protien. Jeez!

You're supposed to eat this EVERY DAY:

* nine or more servings of breads, cereals, and grains (at least four should be whole grain)

* seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables (at least one rich in vitamin C and one in vitamin A)

* at least three servings of milk and milk products

* at least three servings of protein - lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts - and dried beans or peas

WHATEVER! Today was my first serious bout with morning sickness. I left my prenates in my car last night and it was too cold to go get them, so instead of taking it before bed I took it this morning. I then forgot my oatmeal at home so I had no I was really queasy from taking it on an empty stomach! But that's probably the only reason why.

Food Obsessed
January 21, 2003 - 1:06 p.m.

I become so food obsessed when I am pregnant. Only someone who is pregnant would spend precious work time planning the next 3 weeks dinner meals and scheduling them on her calendar. I need help. But if you want to know what we're having...Today is Taco Tuesday, we're both busy Wednesday and Thursday, Friday is Chicken Pot Pie day, Sunday I'm making a pot roast, Monday Tim is in Chicago and Tuesday we have a Henry Rollins concert to go to, so Wednesday is Chicken Cordon Blue followed by Scalloped Potatoes and Ham on Thursday and Quesadillas on Sunday. We're also having Pepper Steak, Chicken Parmesan, Lasagna and Potato Soup the week after that. (Man I need help!) Tim should love his pregnant wife! I used to make 2 big meals a week, one on Sunday and one on Wednesday. Enough for leftovers during the week and if we ran out, it was Mac & Cheese and frozen food for the rest. Now we're averaging 3-4! Of course, this only depends on him moving the stove out of the living room and into the kitchen where it belongs.

Tylenol for my headache of a husband!
January 21, 2003 - 10:05 p.m.

And sometimes I can't believe that my husband can expect me to be at work for 10 hours a day and not come home and crash immediately. We leave our home at 6:45 every morning and don't return until 7 PM. ON a good day! By the time dinner is ready or the groceries are put away, I am ready to relax for the first time in almost 13 hours. Everyone knows in your first trimester how exhausted you can be, and it only gets worse as you reach the second half of the trimester. So I tell him I am going to sit down for an hour and usually, right then, I mean it, but once I sit down I fall asleep instantly and he knows there's no waking the dead. So he ends up working on the house alone, finishing painting and cleaning and organizing before our big Housewarming Open House on February 8th. I feel bad, and of course I want to work on the house, but I can't help it! I mean, I really can't.

Last night my back was killing me, someone told me that the spine and pelvis are adjusting to make room for baby and that's why it hurts so bad. I truly hope so. I was popping Tylenol last night and it didn't really help. By the way, is generic Tylenol ok to take? I have low dose acetametaphin (same as tylenol) in chewable formula that I'd really rather take. It's only 80mg per cap instead of 500mg like regular Tylenol. Of course, everyone I talk to is like, NO! TYLENOL ONLY! Come on, that's like saying Advil and Motrin aren't the same exact thing.

Friday, Friday, Friday!
January 20, 2003 - 9:04 p.m.

2 week, 2 weeks, 2 weeks. I just can't wait to see this little peanut. Little Boo's not an apple seed anymore...a quarter of an inch long with little "arm buds". Isn't BabyCenter awesome? There should also be a little heartbeat, and I pray that there is.

You know, I start to feel confident that everything is going well, because of the chances...but deep down I have to second guess myself because up to the minute it happened last time, I "thought" I knew everything was ok. It was only in hindsight that I noticed all the symptoms dropping away and the back cramps. So yesterday I didn't have one single symptom. They peaked around last Thursday and ever since then, I haven't felt much. But it's all explainable since only 50% of women even get morning sickness and some don't get a single symptom at all.

Today I am sleepy, somewhat hungry, and I pee an awful lot. That' s pretty much the same as last time but it's also the same as every day BEFORE I got pregnant. The only different thing I notice is the somewhat constant backache and I've had the first abdominal cramps today.

Just keeping all my fingers crossed until I can get to that ultrasound next Friday.

5 Weeks!
January 17, 2003 - 10:46 p.m.

Not much of an update. Had a tiny bit of queasiness upon waking and a little when lunch was late...very exhausted! I took a 3 hour nap and could still manage to go to bed right now. Still having some back pains. They aren't cramps yet so I am not that worried. (Yeah right!)

On a happier note, I haven't gained any weight this week, Yipee! I thought for sure the way I was eating I would have totally ballooned. I can put the scale away for one more week, I am still at a healthy 106 lbs!

Tim's family found out today. My SIL and MIL both suspected, I guess I really do look pregnant. SIL says I have a belly...but I suspect it's the chest. I'm quickly outgrowing all my bras!

I'm honestly hoping for more morning I stupid or what!

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Miss Any?
I'm PREGGERS!!! - July 17, 2006
Oh yea.... - May 11, 2006
Hey!! Guess what, we're still alive. - May 11, 2006
15 month appointment - January 19, 2005
15 months vocab - December 28, 2004

Some Advice?

Lilypie Baby Days