
Let Freedom Ring The Porcelain Bowl
March 14, 2003 - 12:44 p.m.

The no meds thing only lasted so long. And I think I can honestly blame "Freedom Fries". I wasn't sick until I ate them. Freedom my ass!


Blow Hole....
March 14, 2003 - 9:41 a.m.

So I didn't have to take my meds this morning! I got out the little white and yellow pill, layed it on the counter, slipt it in half, and then thought about how good I really feel.

I am no longer exhausted all the time, I am no longer nauseous and pukey all the time. I feel great!

Except for these few cramps I keep getting. Sharp, painful, every-once-in-a-while stabbing cramps. They're not as bad as it probably seems with all my adjectives...but their scary nonetheless. I keep envisioning a tear or ruptured placenta....not a cool thing to think about.

I grew out of my underwear this morning. It seriously looked as though a beached whale had crawled in there with me. It felt like it too. Looks like I'm going to have to make a trip to a maternity store for some new bras and they still make low-rise maternity thongs?

It lookes like the big announcement at work will be next week on Friday. I'll be 14 weeks! I can't believe I'll be 14 weeks!! I can't even believe I am even 13 weeks tomorrow!

I have got to stop eating so badly. Now that I am feeling better, there is no excuse for the way I eat. This morning I threw away my oatmeal and ate two snack bags of chips instead. Gross! No wonder I have whale-issues!!

Feelin' Groovy!
March 12, 2003 - 4:17 p.m.

I just talked to my mom on the phone, and she said I sounded wonderful! Tons of people told me I looked "great" today too, which must mean when I was sick I looked like shit...but oh well, I don't care, I feel FABULOUS!

Just Some Stuff
March 12, 2003 - 11:26 a.m.

So how early can you feel the baby move? At first I thought it was way too early for the to be even possible, this soon. In the books and sites I've seen they say the earliest is 14 weeks but with your first baby, more likely 18-24 weeks (a month earlier with subsequent pregnancies since you nkow what it feels like). I was once on a list with my first pregnancy where some people had felt movement at 10 and 12 weeks. At least that's what they said. Still, I was skeptical.

Then last night, as I was getting in bed, I swear I felt two tiny little brushes. I was laying down, and trying to get comfortable. I'd lift my hips and scrunch down under the covers. When I settled, I first felt this tiny little brush, barely even noticable. I just lay still for a few minutes, trying to feel it again, but nothing. Then I scrunched down again, and sure enough, a few seconds later, I felt another little brush!!! It's exciting but at the same time I can't be sure I really felt it....that's how light it really was. Like was it, or wasn't it?

I only took a half dose of the meds last night because I was only kinda sick. This morning I am feeling a bit more ill but not half as bad as I was before. I don't really want to take another full dose because it makes me so drowsy...but I don't want to get full-out sick either.


OK so I took a half dose. I think it was just in time. And hey! I'm Sea-Band free today. We'll see how that goes.


Only 26 more days till we find out the sex! I'm going to create a survey to ask what you guys think I'm having. I'm so confused myself...but my friend Krissy thinks it's a girl, Candace think's it's a girl too. Tim think's it's a boy, as does my SIL and MIL.

Jimmy Jimmy Co-Co Puff
March 11, 2003 - 4:43 p.m.


I am feeling: FABULOUS. Yea, that's right. For the first time in nearly nine weeks, I am morning-sickness free! I never knew it felt this good to be awake! Every time I thought I felt good for the past three months, never compared to this. YAY!

So last night, I left work, stopped at Taco Bell for dinner, then headed to my pharmacy where I stood in line for 10 minutes just to find out that the nurse had called it in to the wrong pharmacy, ACROSS town on the south side. So I hope back in my car and head over there. I then stood in line for 20 minutes, only to find out that they hadn't started getting it ready yet, so it would be another 20 minutes. So I picked up a magazine and sat down in the waiting area for 30 minutes until the medication was finally ready. Then since I was on that side of town, I went maternity clothes shopping. Unfortunately, the store was really small and not well stocked. I just got 3 T's and a pair of khaki's. That alone cost me $60!!! Outrageous! I had wanted to get some cute skirts and shorts, some more summery shirts and some sweatshirts. I guess I'll have to drive over to the east side to hit the Motherhood store in the mall....or maybe I can get Tim to to take me to the outlet mall in IL one of these weekends!!

Anyway, I went home and contemplated taking the meds. Tim is against me taking any meds, whether I am pregnant or not. I was thinking how women have gone through this since the beginning of time and they didn't have this option to make them feel better. So I sat and let myself suffer on the couch until he came home. By then it was 8pm and I was dying. I finally took a half tablet, and by 8:30 I was was so not working. So I took another half tablet and finished up the laundry before going upstairs to toss the cookies. Let's just say, it will be years before I can eat Taco Bell again, considering it came out my damn nose. I thought for sure that meant the meds didn't work. But it really just seemed like my body was clearing itself out one last time because I haven't felt sick since. I am on my second dose of the meclazine this morning and so far, GREAT!


It was 12:30 when I started feeling numb and nauseous. I stood in the bathroom a few times, waiting to see if I'd get sick, but nothing happened. I laid down for a few minutes in the back of my office and felt like a dead weight, like I could fall asleep there forever. I hate the way drugs make me feel. At 3 I got a beefstick, some peanutbutter cookies and a Coke. That made me feel great until the caffeine kicked in, then I was sick all over again. I'm much less tired but still a little queasy and just overall feeling gross. I guess nothing lasts forever. What a price to pay. I've been enjoying not feeling sick so much. It's like heaven. I think it's so strange that the sickness is increasing in my second trimester, when everything says it should be over by now. It's all a matter of how your body reacts to estrogen, and mine has never liked estrogen. I used to get nauseous and sick during my periods and other times during the month. (Strange because I thought your period happened because estrogen tapered off and progesterone kicked in? Oh well.) I guess I don't care as long as little Boo is alright and comes out on time.

By the way, Nutrigrain Yogurt Bars, great concept. Barely any taste....but really really gross if you think about it (or look inside it).

2nd Trimester and an Rx!
March 10, 2003 - 3:08 p.m.

I'm in the second trimester!!! It's so unreal, and so hard to believe. We were told so many times that this day would never come!!

I've been sick all weekend, and violently so. Tim and I came to the conclusion that I didn't have the stomach flu at all, since my symtoms were so much different from everyone else's. I so wanted it to be the flu, because the flu goes away! I came to a breaking point this weekend and lost it several times. I just wanted to give up, I couldn't go another day waking up puking, spending all day puking, and going to bed puking. I gave it until 12 weeks and it didn't stop then, so I called my doc. I feel so much better for doing it. She gave me a presciption for Meclazyne (sp).

I was supposed to have a follow-up ultrasound this week, but my doctor feels that it will be too soon to see if there has been any change in placental development, so she's postponing it for another two weeks. That's fine with me, I know the baby is fine, I really want to see if the placenta is in good shape.

I weighed myself like normal this Satruday, and expected to be under or even because of all the sickness...but I had gained a pound and a half!!! I was amazed....but then Tim pointed out that just because I've been sick doesn't mean I haven't been eating. As a matter of fact I went through an entire bag of oranges, a box of fish sticks and an entire pizza myself this weekend.

I guess I still have a healthy appetite.

As soon as I am off work tonight, I am going to pick up my prescrip and then I'm going maternity clothes shopping! :)

Ug....starting to feel sick again!!!

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Miss Any?
I'm PREGGERS!!! - July 17, 2006
Oh yea.... - May 11, 2006
Hey!! Guess what, we're still alive. - May 11, 2006
15 month appointment - January 19, 2005
15 months vocab - December 28, 2004

Some Advice?

Lilypie Baby Days