
No Lie!
February 07, 2003 - 10:37 a.m.

No No No, I am not kidding. It's 10:30 and they are still working. This is going on 15 hours!

I just ordered curly fries and a huge salad from Glass Nickel for lunch.

I love my Sea-Bands!!

(So what if I have tiny little bruises on the inside of my wrists!)

THERE IS HOPE, in the form of Sea-Bands!
February 07, 2003 - 8:05 a.m.

Do you know what I'm doing?

I'm chugging a chocolate milk and munching on jalepe�o and cheddar bistro chips. In the morning.

That's right, I've been feeling absolutely normal ever since I got these Sea-Bands. They're the way-stylish gray bands with the little bead that presses into your pressure points on your wrist. I started wearing them last night, and even though I am a great big cynic, they started to work. I still feel sick, but I am no where near as sick as I was. I actually did laundry last night. I actually stayed up till 10:30. I slept on the bathroom floor only because Tim was painting the bedroom and the couch was too far away.

*Side note*

I really shouldn't have chugged that milk....and something tells me that jalepe�o spices aren't the best for sensitive tummies....Dammit! Why am I so stupid?

Waa, I Can't Stop Whining
February 06, 2003 - 1:11 p.m.

This morning I was so miserable and depressed over this constant 24/7 sickness. I literally hated being pregnant. It was the worst morning I've had....most often I am ok in the mornings and dead sick in the evenings. Last night I did my best to avoid it, despite only eating mashed potatoes for dinner I got away with not feeling too bad the whole night, until our friend Craig left. As soon as he left I was convinced I would be tossing my cookies in mere minutes, so I went to bed. Sleep has always been my sanctuary, if I am feeling sick I just fall asleep (the other night it was the hallway floor and the night before was my bedroom closet) and I would wake up feeling fine. That stopped working. Now, I am feeling sick even when I sleep. To the point that I gag. In my sleep!!

It's so frustrating. I can't escape it!

So it just got worse through the night and into this morning. I took my friend's suggestion and ate some crackers about 20 minutes before I got out of bed this morning. I think that actually made puking more of a reality. It just gave my already jumpy tummy some ammo to work with. The whole time Tim was driving me to work I was lurching and feeling it get closer and closer. I actually dumped out my lunch bag thinking it would make a temporary "sick bag" if need be.

I didn't get sick, thankfully, so once I got to work I just forcefed myself little by little until I actually had some strenth. I have basically had food in my mouth at all times today. Even when I had a meeting at 10am, I took my pretzels, ginger ale and a cheese stick with me. As if I don't scream "pregnant with morning sickness" wherever I go.

I'm sick of whining about this, I am sick of it consuming my every second. I want to enjoy this's strange because after wanting this baby for so long (4 years!) and losing the first one, I still haven't come to terms with this pregnancy being real. It's so hard for me to picture her being a living, breathing thing? So I just want to be grateful and non-whiny about it but life makes things so hard sometimes.

I told Tim today that I feel like Pregnant=Worthless. He said something sweet and spelled some things wrong and that made it all better. He appreciates the physical strain I am going through for our child...that's nice. But still. Does it really have to be 10 whole months??

Thanks, for the moment I feel GOOD.
February 05, 2003 - 4:15 p.m.

As I write this, I feel well. But I know how temporary and how fragile this good feeling is, so I am not too optimistic that it will last. Tim kept me home from work yesterday and went grocery shopping for me. He's basically forcing me to eat, which is helping. I keep trying to tell myself that this sickness is just mind-over-matter but it's not working. I just wish I hadn't thrown half my lunch away today, because now that I am feeling better I sure would like to finish it. My boss is being really understanding, but I still feel so guilty for missing work for some silly pregnancy-sickness.

I'm going to talk to my doctor at my OB appt this coming Monday. I know she'll tell me it's a good sign and just to stick it out. But I am miserable.

Thanks to EVERYONE for your suggestions on the baby products. Keep em coming, I love the advice! Really helpful.

OH Man!
February 03, 2003 - 4:19 p.m.

Wow, did I say that morning sickness was gone? That must have been a little joke. Because guess who got up in the middle of the night and sprinted to the bathroom to puke her guts out?

That honestly was one of the crappiest experiences. Here I am, half asleep, suddenly realizing that I wasn't dreaming of getting sea-sick anymore, no! My eyes were open. I booked it to the bathroom and just made it in time. Poor Tim. He stood outside the bathroom until I was done, then he handed me a glass of water. I felt better right away so we went back to bed.

I'm taking a few days off from the prenatal vitamin, since puking up a half-digested pill was about the sickest thing I've ever endured. I read an article about coping with morning sickness and it suggested doing the same thing.

Today I woke up feeling crappier than usual, and it's been this bad all day. I've only run to the bathroom here at work once, and luckily it was mind over matter, I held it in.

Now I am just couting down the minutes until I can go home. For the record, 140 minutes until Tim picks me up from work.

It seems that sipping Sprite no longer helps, it just makes my stomach even more churny. I tried taking Candace's advice by filling my stomach with bland tea to toss up but I can't even get it past my lips without gagging.

I don't know how much this is true, but it seems to me that everyone I know that had such bad morning sickness ended up having a girl. Most people around here that had boys 1) never gained an extra pound and ended up looking like they had a volleyball tucked in their shirts and 2) never ever ever got sick or even burped funny!

Now, the girl-bearing women, at least in this immediate area, gained weight from head to toe, especially in the cheeks and butt. They puked for 15 weeks straight and had stretch mark from their eyebrows to their toes. I think my mom was the only exception, she gained 60 pounds in one lump under her shirt and laughed in the faces of people with the so-called "morning sickness".

Oh well, it looks like I am going nowhere with this except I am predicting that I will be one of the girl-bearing women. Of course, girl names are so much harder than boy names! We've had our boys names set for almost 4 years now! We are tossing around two girls names, however they are both unique adaptations so I don't want to post them here for the irrational fear that someone will steal them and I'll have a boy and there will suddenly be a surge in popularity for these two girl names...

I guess if you really want to know you can email me at [email protected] and ask really nicely. I still might not tell you but chances are I will. It doesn't matter about the boys names because they are family names and we'd name them regardless of how popular the name is. They are Mitchell Douglas and Nicolas Richard.

After our housewarming party (this weekend) I plan to start setting up the nursery. I have a complete baby arsenal from the first time short of the big ticket items. I'm looking at this crib and this one and this oneone too! I'm just waiting for a good sale and a deal on shipping, when you order these items online typically you get socked with an oversized shipping charge that's over $100. Every once in a while you can catch a 75% off and free shipping deal on Babycenter....but they don't offer the Davinci cribs I like. Ah well. We'll probably look at stores around town here too but, living in the area I do, there is at least a 100% markup on all items and for the most part, anything having to do with babies or weddings around here are minimum 300% markup and I'm not even kidding. The cribs I am looking at online - even with the oversized shipping charge - would still be at least $400 less than something I could buy here in a store.

I was hoping some new moms could give me some advice for baby items that you needed, loved, and have but never use. I'd ask my SIL but the girl has an unhealthy obsession with buying anything baby-related. I'd like to get some differing opinions on the subject. I know there's a book out there that can offer some advice too...but more than a book I like real-life experiences!


Oh, and you may have noticed I haven't updated this foodfortwo journal in a while. That's becuse it's literally embarrassing how much I have been skimping on nutrition, or food in general. I manage to eat just enough to keep myself from passing out, and just enough liquids to keep myself hydrated, but nothing near normal!

OK now I've wasted so much time not working that there is only 80 minutes until Tim picks me up from work, but I am out of crackers and the pukey feeling is back....

Drama- Of Course, but a Heartbeat Nonetheless
January 31, 2003 - 9:45 p.m.

Here's a picture of my little Boo. It's such a relief...and not just because we finally know he/she's got a tiny beating heart...

OK Let me start at the beginning. The morning of the ultrasound I woke up anxious but excited. Around 9am I went to the bathroom at work and was surprised to find a bright, red drop of blood on my underwear. Followed by several more bright red drops.

At first I didn't panic but once I went back to my desk it started to set in...I was bleeding.

I emailed my best friend, who sits a few offices away from me. I told her what was happening and asked her to come in my office as soon as she got the message. I called Tim, asked him if he was busy and he was, so I told him to call me back ASAP.

In the meantime my friend came in, teary eyed. I explained the situation and she just hugged me and didn't say much, she was pretty much in shock.

Tim called back and I told him what was going on. I told him I would call the doctor and call him back as soon as I knew what was up.

I called my nurse and told her. She was with me throughout the entire miscarriage the last time and was really a lifesaver. I totally love her. She asked how much I was bleeding and what color it was, (brown is good, red is bad) and asked if I was farther along than the last time. Then she told me that given my circumstances, we only had a 50/50 chance of making it through this. She sounded sad and apologetic; the tone in her voice made me lose it right there. 50/50 odds aren't that good, are they?

She told me to keep my ultrasound appointment and call her afterwards to see what we should do from there. She said to get off my feet and rest on my left side until the bleeding stopped and only to get up for the ultrasound.

I called Tim back and told him what she said. I couldn't believe how incredibly unfair life was, I just couldn't believe this was happening to me again. Tim told me he would be there in a second to pick me up and take me to his mom's house where we would wait until it was time to go to the hospital. At this point we had 3 hours to go. He told me he loved me and that was all that mattered.

My friend sat with me while I waited for him to show up.

She talked me through it and told me she felt good things about this pregnancy and really hoped it would all be fine. I promised to call her with the news as soon as I could.

Tim and I went to his mom's house and waited while she served us lunch. She was so great about the whole thing.

Tim and I took a nap and woke up just in time to leave for the hospital. At that point the bleeding turned to brown spotting.

We checked in to the hospital and went in to the Perinatal Diagnosis wing. I was surrounded with pictures of developing babies. Finally they called us in to the room, a great tech got us ready and pulled out the transabdominal scanner. He plopped it on my belly and immediately - IMMEDIATELY - found the heartbeat. He found it so fast I almost didn't believe him. I was crying, so relieved.

He decided to call in a doctor to do some more poking around with the transvag probe. The doctor came in and I told him I was given a 50% chance of losing this pregnancy. As soon as he inserted the probe and found the little peanut's heartbeat, he told me our chances just went down to 10%. It was so beautiful, this little lightning flash!

They printed out this picture for us, which I carried around the whole day. I kept looking at it like a big giant geek. It just looks like a thumb to me...but it doesn't matter.

The bad/good news is, the baby measured a little small millimeter-wise, so we get to go back in for another ultrasound at 12 weeks. And hopefully we'll get a full anatomy scan at 18 weeks so we can find out the sex.


Morning sickness has kinda disappeared today but I think it's gonna be ok.

Thank God!

(I am 7 weeks today and lost another pound from not eating... I am down to 103.)

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Miss Any?
I'm PREGGERS!!! - July 17, 2006
Oh yea.... - May 11, 2006
Hey!! Guess what, we're still alive. - May 11, 2006
15 month appointment - January 19, 2005
15 months vocab - December 28, 2004

Some Advice?

Lilypie Baby Days