
Practically Negative...But Not Quite
October 25, 2002 - 2:05 p.m.

My HcG's are still hovering around 3. While technically this is a good thing since I don't have to get poked by the blood thirsty nurses anymore, it still kind of pisses me off.

For one thing, two weeks ago my levels had dropped from 30 to 10.5, leading me to believe that they would be negative this week, not practically neagtive.

That's just not good enough.

It's been a month and a week. I've completely forgotten what normal is.

No News Is...Sucky
October 25, 2002 - 10:50 a.m.

I think I AF is gone. Now I am just waiting to ovulate again. How did my life become all about calendars and dates?

Here's the latest chart activity.

Meaning, no activity.

If Wishes Were Fishes...
October 24, 2002 - 10:49 a.m.

Tim says to me last night: "I can't wait till we have one," meaning a baby.

Yea. Me too.

Sometimes I feel like I am never going to get over this.

I'm Losing My Hair Along With My Mind
October 23, 2002 - 10:48 a.m.

I just keep saying to myself, "You have to lose hair to grow new hair," but it's not working.

If my hair keeps falling out in clumps, it's getting really bad.

I just bent over my desk and 4 peices fell out onto the paper I was reading.


SIL says it is hormone related and that she's going through it too.

Miss That Baby Smell
October 21, 2002 - 10:47 a.m.

I am having Kaitlyn withdrawals. That kid is CUTE. For real.

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Miss Any?
I'm PREGGERS!!! - July 17, 2006
Oh yea.... - May 11, 2006
Hey!! Guess what, we're still alive. - May 11, 2006
15 month appointment - January 19, 2005
15 months vocab - December 28, 2004

Some Advice?

Lilypie Baby Days