
Positively Glowing
January 15, 2003 - 4:33 p.m.

How exciting!

I went to the doctor today and was shaking as I took my pee test. (Note: shaking and pee tests: Not good!)

I kept having to remind myself that I had done this before and I knew it was positive...

They schedule my ultrasound for 2 weeks from now. I'll be 7 weeks! And my first OB is Feb 10th.

Aside from that, people at work keep asking if I am pregnant. I haven't told anyone so I don't know why they are asking...they just keep saying I look different. That glow, don't you know?

Tim and I were talking about how much cooler it is now because we aren't dying to tell people so we feel like it is more special, just for us.

If we see the heartbeat in two weeks, we'll be telling my boss though!

I'm So Happy!
January 14, 2003 - 4:00 p.m.

I woke up in the best mood ever, and I've been flying high ever since! Then I check my notes... and wowee! Thanks to Candace, I had a million positive messages today! Thanks everybody!

Ok now a little update: Tim and I had a good talk on the way home from work last night. At first I was really depressed and feeling guilty but he made me see that whatever happens, it's not worth worrying about. So we're not. I spent the entire night on the couch and even went to bed early. I slept all night, only got up to pee once, and woke up with this great attitude and a smile on my face! Whoo! I feel great! A little crampy, but otherwise great! I hope this isn't a trick of my hormones, I normally don't feel this good. Or this relaxed.

My confirmation appt (read: pee in a cup) is tomorrow morning at 8:30. I'm excited, it's with my favorite nurse, Cheryl. She's the only one who made me feel like I was normal throughout my miscarriage (when I had to repeat testing for 4 weeks in a row!). So let's hope this great mood carries over into tomorrow and beyond.

EDD of my lil' Boo: 9/20/03

OH! By the way, Water is good again! I had this really strange aversion to water after the miscarriage...and it carried over until about yesterday. I took a sip of water and didn't gag...and I've been drinking it ever since! I'm so happy! I used to love water, it was so strange when I couldn't drink it anymore. On the other hand, I can no longer eat oatmeal. Flavored oatmeal used to be my favorite breakfast of choice, but the last two days in a row I have only gotten down a few bites, then up it wants to come! I have to eat breakfast, but I don't like cereal and it takes too long for eggs and bacon...but I'll take what I can get!

I've decided that I am only weighing myself once a week. This week I started at 106. My goal weight is 130, but I know it will end up more like 140. That's ok with me. Last time I didn't have a goal and I ate everything in sight. I gained 8-10 lbs in the first tri! I've really got to keep it in check this time. Tim and I are going to try walking every night after dinner...starting next week.

I just found out that I have over 4 weeks vacation this year! That's perfect! I also get 6 weeks short term disability...that means I'll get to stay home until after Christmas with lil Boo! I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself here, but that's absolutely great news to me!

I'm Pregnant! and stupid...
January 13, 2003 - 4:12 p.m.

Well, good news and bad news.

Good news...I am pregnant! FINALLY! I gave Tim the bib. Right off he was happy but so nervous. A little shook up. Unbelievably, I wasn't as worried as I thought I would be. I didn't even call my doctor till this morning to make an appt.

Now I have given myself a reason to worry, and I could just kick myself. That, is the bad news.

We're moving out of our office into a new one at work. I knew it was coming, I just didn't know it was today.

Well as soon as I realize today was moving day, I called the doc to see if it was ok to lift stuff. The receptionist told me the nurse would call me back.

In the meantime I was too much of a wimp to tell anyone I was pregnant (because of what happened last time) so I just moved my stuff. The boxes were about 30 - 50 lbs. Mind you, I also have a broken arm. So then the nurse calls me back and says because of my history, not to lift anything over a gallon of milk.

***SHIT!*** I just spent 3 hours lifting! She said as long as I don't have cramps, lower back pain, burning urination or bleeding I should be ok. Of course now I feel like I have lower back pain but it feels like lifting pain. I'm supposed to keep me feet up the next few days, and not lift anything until I see my doctor. Typically, you don't see your doc until 8-10 weeks. I go in for a confirmation pee test Wednesday morning....

Tim is mad at me for putting me and the baby in this position, and I can't blame him! I just didn't want anyone to know I am pg yet, and I flat out denied it to my boss this morning. She's been having pregnancy dreams, and she always has them when someone around her is pregnant. She asked me this morning.. I played it off as best I could.

Well, in between running to the bathroom to check for spotting, I am keeping my feet up.


Poor, stupid me.

With Any Hope...
January 10, 2003 - 12:34 p.m.

SO, last night. Wal-Mart was out of First test of choice. So I buy the Equate and an EPT. Tim got home early, so eager for a surprise I rush to the bathroom and test. I used the Equate. It said results in one minute. One minute later, there was only one line.

I through it in a drawer, and walked away. About 10 minutes later I peeked at it again...2 lines! I figured it was just an evaporation line.

I then spent the night sulking on the cough, suffering from AF style cramps. She's been threatening to show her face for a while, so I fully expected her this morning.

Well this morning my temp went down, but I hadn't slept well. I had that EPT so I thought, what the heck, right?

5 minutes later two dark lines greeted me.

Is it so?

I am not sure. It did take a while for those lines to show up. It was within the 20 minutes, but after the 3 it said to read the results in.

I wrapped up that "I Love Daddy" bib and packed it with the test in my purse.

I still don't know what I am going to do. I am having NO symptoms of being pregnant....only that my period is looming!

Oh well...after all my plans for next cycle... Maybe this is it.

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Miss Any?
I'm PREGGERS!!! - July 17, 2006
Oh yea.... - May 11, 2006
Hey!! Guess what, we're still alive. - May 11, 2006
15 month appointment - January 19, 2005
15 months vocab - December 28, 2004

Some Advice?

Lilypie Baby Days